Running Buddies.

I write a lot about getting motivated to run. Mostly because I have a tough time getting myself up and out the door. Today I'm going to touch a bit on why it's so helpful to have people to run with. 

The Snag

Sometimes your training is going smoothly and then all of a sudden its not. My snags typically are a mental thing more than a physical thing. Its just a grind training for a marathon and putting your head down and grinding it out when you feel tired is what its all about. The trials of miles and miles of trials, for those of you who've read Once a Runner. 

How to get out

There are many ways to get out of a running funk. Mix it up, hit the trails, get in some interval work, run in a new location. Today we'll focus on running with pals. 

Group Runs

There are a ton of group runs around the state to join for a jog. Steve Blais of Run Rhode Island has a great group run at Lululemon in Cranston Tuesday evenings and Narragansett Brewing on Wednesdays, the Narragansett Running Association runs Thursday evening down in Narragansett from the beach and also Saturday morning from the same spot. If you end up over the bridge and need a run in Newport join the Newport Run and Chug crew on Thursday evenings for a run and a pint! 

Buddy Runs

If you happen to have to run without the ability to hit up a group run finding a buddy can be super helpful. You'll hold each other accountable and make sure you both get out there for a run even when you don't feel like it! If you're in the Rhode Runner Running Club the Facebook group is the perfect spot to chat and get together for a run. 

Solo Runs

Solo runs sometimes are a necessity and to get out the door I usually throw on some tunes to get myself pumped up and out. I suppose you could call a friend and talk to them the whole time...

What do you do?

If you need to get out there what do you do to get yourself motivated? Leave your thoughts in the comments section.